Ovo nije websajt eskadrile herojskih pilota JRV kao Nebojša Nikolić, Zoran Radosavljević, Slobodan Perić i svi drugi piloti 127. eskadrile ("Vitezovi") Jugoslovenskog Ratnog Vazduhoplovstva, nego websajt eskadrile "sajberpilota" koji letu na simuliranju letenja "Jane's Fighters Anthology" na internetu. Iako ovo nije ista stvar, svaka naših pobeda posvetimo herojskim pilotima Jugoslovenskog Ratnog Vazduhoplovstva koji su se hrabro borili odbraniti Jugoslaviju. Živeli!
Ako hoćete leteti sa nama, pošaljete nam e-Mail. Pravila nema mnogo, samo da uvek poštovate našu eskadrilu i uvek poštovate sve pilote i drugih eskadrila - to je samo igra! Drugi put da komandant vidi ili sluši da jedan od naših neučtiv je, taj pilot neće biti više član 127. LAE. No i to, da se zabavite.
This is not the website of the squadron of heroic pilots of the Yugoslav Air Force like Nebojša Nikolić, Zoran Radosavljević, Slobodan Perić and all the other pilots of the 127th squadron of the YuAF, but rather the website of a squadron of cyberpilots who fly on the flight simulator "Jane's Fighters Anthology" on the internet. Although it's not the same thing, we dedicate each of our victories to the Heroic pilots of the YuAF who fought bravely to defend Yugoslavia. Cheers!
If you want to fly with us, send us an e-Mail. There aren't many rules, only that you respect the squadron and the pilots of other squadrons - this is only a game! The second time that the CO sees or hears that one of ours is disrespectful, that pilot will no longer be a member of 127. FSqn. Oh and also, enjoy yourself.
Oboreni NATO Avioni - NATO Aircraft Damaged and Destroyed
YU-Sugarcube = Poručnik/Lieutenant. Van službe/Inactive
U ovoj misiji idećeš protiv radar-avion E-3A "Sentri" ("Čuvar"). Objekat je rušenje ovog aviona. Misija je kooperativna za 4 pilotima.
In this mission you will fly against the E-3A "Sentry" radar airplane. The object is to destroy this aircraft. Co-op mission for four pilots.
Nova misija je u razvijanju. New mission is being developed.
To je desilo sa kanadskim CF-18.
This is what happened to the Canadian CF-18.
JRV G-4 Super Galeb posle srušenje jednog mosta.
YuAF G-4 Super Galeb after destroying a bridge.
Iako G-4 nema u igri, ima avion BAe Hawk koji izgleda skoro isto kao G-4.
Even though there is no G-4 in the game, there is the BAe Hawk which looks almost the same as the G-4.